Electrical and Computer Engineering

Stories of women in ECE

We’ve collected stories below from some alumnae and students in ECE. Read them to learn how these engineers apply their Illinois Engineering education in their community and around the world.

Alumnae stories:

Hillery Hunter

Lilian Ficht

Melinda Piket-May

Sundari Mitra

Yemaya Bordain

Student stories:

Anabel Rivera

Alyssa Licudine

Saidivya Ashok

Sakshi Srivastava

The Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department offers two majors: bachelor of science in computer engineering, bachelor of science in electrical engineering, and a minor in electrical and computer engineering.

  • Computer Engineering (CompE) is the design and implementation of computing systems at all levels, from circuits and architecture to networking, distributed systems, and artificial intelligence.
  • Electrical Engineering (EE): involves all electrical and associated phenomena, whether in wires, devices, space, the human body, or other mediums. It has applications in electrical power, communications, information technology, nanotechnology, and biotechnology.
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) transforms our day-to-day lives through a multitude of innovative technologies and products. The ECE minor is intended to expose students from other disciplines to the unlimited opportunities for innovation in this exciting field, and to the methodologies and tools used by electrical and computer engineers for the exploration and design of new technologies and products.

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